About Me
Namaste, I am Archana - a certified Yoga teacher, Ayurveda Practitioner, and mind-body wellbeing advocate.
With over 1100+ hours of yoga training, I have learned traditional Ashtanga Yoga from the 100+ year-old 'The Yoga Institute' in Mumbai, India, and Ashtanga Vinyasa from 'Indea Yoga' in Mysore (the birthplace of Ashtanga Yoga). I follow the teachings and wisdom where:
A. Alignment & technique are crucial for a safe & strong physical practice
B. Yoga should be practiced in harmony with the body, breath & mind
C. True Yoga happens beyond the mat!
My aim is to help people find balance & feel great, both in body and mind.
I teach yoga classes and workshops and offer a range of holistic services from my studio in Pinner, London. I take personal sessions, online, group, special programs and events for charity organisations and other groups.
I am a registered and certified Yoga Instructor by the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India Yoga Certification Board.
Trained & certified in: Hatha Yoga | Vinyasa Yoga | Yoga with Props (Iyengar-style Yoga) | Pre & Post Natal Yoga | Yoga for Cancer Rehabilitation & Recovery | Yoga Therapy & Counselling | Chakra Healing | Sound Modality | Ayurveda Health Diploma | Yog Nidra Facilitator
I love reading philosophy and thrillers!, listening to podcasts on my runs, hiking in the mountains, warm croissants & masala chai!
After over two decades in a fortunate yet formidable corporate media career, I now find myself truly content and blessed practicing yoga and sharing my practice with my students.
Why the name 'Atha'?
'Atha Yoga Anushanam’
..so reads the first aphorism (sutra) of Guru Patanjali’s 2000-year-old yoga guidebook ‘Yoga Sutra’, which literally translates to:
- ‘Now, the teaching & self-discipline of yoga begins’!
Inspired by this Sutra and with deepest reverence for the tradition of Classical Ashtanga Yoga, I have initiated on this path of eternal learning and sharing my passion with you all.
With 'Atha Yoga Shala', I welcome you to join me on this exhilarating journey of self discovery.
See you on the mat!
(Please come as students, not as customers)
|| Lokah Samashta Sukhino Bhavantu ||
(May All Beings Everywhere Be Happy and Free)